Sports & Health

Author: Rambabu kumar sah

  • December 03, 2022

  • By Rambabu kumar sah

“Chak de India” , “Health is Wealth” are some of the famous saying quotes by people which increases the significance/importance of sports and health. Sport is the most interesting activities which different people love to do in their daily life. It maintains the physical fitness of an individual which makes a man/woman fit. A fit person is a person which is not suffering from any illness or diseases and is physically and mentally strong.

In recent period of time, maintaining a good health has become the first priority of each an individual in these world. Health is the most crucial part of a human life. Since our childhood we have been taught to eat healthy foods and vegetables to stay healthy. Talking in general words, we everybody as an individual love to stay healthy and see our belongings healthy too.
Hence, it can be concluded that sports and health, both are equivalent to each other.

Sport plays a vital role in increasing the respect of an individual. Many sport players who plays for their nation earns respect and faith by the society as well as from his/her nation. Now-a-days, there has been an increasing craze among all children for participating in and playing sports. It increases their efficiency to play in different events of sports organized by the school authority, universities, and various other Non-profit Organization who organize these sports events at different levels for youth to come forward and play for their respective school, district, and state. Different types of sports played and their importance are discussed as under:

  1. There are some of the sports like chess, table tennis, etc. which is called indoor sports which increases the mental efficiency of an individual which makes them mentally fit.
  2. There are also some of the sports like cricket, hockey, football, basketball, volleyball, etc. which increases the physical efficiency of an individual.
  3. Similarly, there are some sports like martial arts, boxing which makes an individual mentally as well as physically strong.
  4. Among all other sports, athletics is the most common game played by the participants at Olympics, Commonwealth games, etc.

There are also many other sports which are played which is equally important and they include their own significance.

Apart from all the different benefits of playing sports, some of the most significance of it is that the Railway Authority have a sports quota which provides a fixed a number of vacancies for different categories of posts. One of the sports which help in getting railway job is cricket, many players have been selected through these sports quota, these increases the desire among players to play sports. Other importance of playing sports is that it has great significance in increasing the economy of the country. People love to watch different sports like, cricket, football, basketball, badminton, etc. in their T.V. More people will watch those sports channels it increases their TRP and greatly increase their revenues. These amount of revenue earned by the owner of the channel will equally be payable to the Income tax Authority of the country as a tax paid which increases economic wealth of the country. Similarly, the tax paid by the big, famous, and reputed sports persons also adds wealth to the economy of the country.

There has been a great initiative by the government as well as undertakings in increasing the craze of playing sports in India. Government provides initiative of sum of good amount of money to the players who won medals for their country in Olympics and other International games they also provide a government job to them. More the medals won by a country more it increases the goodwill of the country among different countries. On the other hand, the non-government undertakings provide initiatives by organizing different sports events at different for every age group people. They also provide certificates, medals, money, trophies to the wining team. These games help to grow the efficiency of the player and the best player of the event promoted to next level of it. Hence, they have been playing a great significant role in increasing the efficiency among the players to play and be healthy.

Health: During covid-19 pandemic it was said by the expert that in the coming year good health of a person would be his/her identity and on the basis of he/she would be hired as an employee of an organization. This emphasizes all the youths to be physically and mentally fit which will not only enable them to be an eligible candidate but it will also increase their age period. Many more initiatives were taken by the non-government undertaking through conducting webinars or seminars regarding good health, benefits of maintain a good health, not to consume products which are harmful for your health. Impact of covid-19 pandemic has increased the number of hospitals to provide healthcare facilities to every section of the society. These has also increased the requirement of number of doctors and co-workers and ultimately result in increasing the requirement of number the employment in hospital sector. These has also reduced the problem of unemployment in the society. Many state government including Assam has increased its number of hospital in the state which is beneficial for all the section of the society.

Many manufacturing company of different products started giving more attention to the producing of products which is healthy and maintains good health of a human. For increasing the awareness of health Prime Minister of India has introduced the day called Yoga day on 21st June every year which acts as a reminder to every individual that how important is to be healthy. Some people like to go to gym to be physically fit but being physically fit is not the only way to be healthy, priority to the mental health is equally necessary for an individual.

Being healthy does not simply mean staying physically fit. But it should be healthy from mental perspective also. People love to make body like their favourite film stars but apart from all of it this people should equally remain healthy from the state of mind. Mental distress is becoming an increasing cause for suicides. No people like to talk about how to remain mentally fit. Till today also at least one suicide is attempt by a person. Each year there has been an increasing number of suicide attacks. These is the case which requires immediate action by the government as this necessarily be eliminated.

Some of the best ways to remain mentally healthy are discussed below:
  1. Eat healthy food: More you will eat foods which are good for your health more you will feel your inner strength and you will be mentally fit, on the other hand, more you will consume junk food more there will be the chance of increasing diseases.
  2. Listening music: Music which are pleasant to your mind or the music you like to listen will be acting as the best medicine to reduce your mental distress, as it calms you down.
  3. Talk to the person you have faith upon: You will surely have at least one person in your life on whom you have a faith upon and can trust the most. Try to talk to them, it will surely reduce the burden in your mind and you shall feel relief.
  4. Going for a walk: Precisely there are many people who loves to be alone. They like to go for a morning or evening time This can also be a possible way to eliminate your mental distress.
  5. Not to do things which will increase your depression: Try not to think more of what makes you feel depressed. Just be calm, and as everything happens for a reason. May be god has decided something different for you.
  6. Cry out: Many people think that men should never cry. But crying can also act as one of the best medicine which will let your stress out of your mind.
  7. Watching pleasant drawings: There are various types of drawings like abstract drawings, illustrations, sketches, paintings which is pleasant to see and which also decrease stress of your mind.

Hence, being calm during depression would be a better option then taking too much of stress.

Surroundings also determine an individual’s health. Birth of new diseases takes place from dirty surroundings where many biodegradable and non-biodegradable resources have been thrown and these resources also causes sour and bad smell which is not good for your health. So make your surroundings clean as far as possible. It will be beneficial for your health as well as for your life.

There are many ways which help you to stay healthy. Some of them are discussed as under:
  1. Do exercise: Doing exercise as a daily routine for almost half-an-hour is a very good thing to do. It will keep your mind fresh.
  2. Play outdoor game instead of indoor game: Today, many children love to play game in their phone which is making them lazy. They should be taught the benefits of playing outdoor games.
  3. Do not take too much of stress: Now-a-days, people are only busy with their works. Among this they take too much of stress which is not bearable for all of them. People should give importance to their health along with their works.
  4. Good food: Have good food in a standard time. You should not eat food too late or too early. It should be in a proper time
  5. Discipline: Discipline means the good behaviour of following the rules and regulations in daily life, as there has always been found a new type of diseases till today and there always being fear of being attacked by those diseases. You should always do everything by making a proper plan.

Conclusion: Sports and Health both plays an important role in daily life of an individual and both will surely equally be playing a vital role in future time as both of these are equivalent to each other. Also, we can conclude that sports and health necessary to stay healthy. And in this world only the person who is physically as well as mentally strong and fit can survive for a longer period of time. Playing sports and maintaining a good health is a never ending activities of an individual in his/her life, even after being too old in age human should be careful to their health. Hence, whatever be the occupation of an individual he/she can should play sports and one should always be conscious to their health.



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